BMS and Battery Solar System
EVERYTHING in my house runs on electricity.
Florida sun close to 365 days a year - DO I NEED TO SAY MORE?
Life is good with SOLAR!!


AT 5:36PM
I'm not jumping up and down but here clearly shows the airplanes' CONTRAILS = "condensation trail" from the hot exhaust at 26000 feet or more with temperatures -40F and how it is changing over less then 25 minutes.

AT 5:57PM
Below is an example of midday solar production with central air using around 60% of all power. The essentials are using around 550W. Not showing! 05/07/2023 11:30AM

Image #1 shows power going to battery with central AC on +
essentials pulling around 550W. Not shown here.

Image #2 shows power going to battery with central AC compressor off but air handler blower still running+ essentials pulling around 550W. Not shown here.

Image #3 shows power going to battery with central AC off +
essentials pulling around 550W. Not shown here.

Broken cell showing very high
temperature of 213F

Area outside the broken
cell showing 116F and that is more or less what all other panels are showing.
This is very good
and mostly because of the cooling airflow around the panels.
I love the fact that I can walk around and inspect all the panels and enjoy the world from up here.
Life is good with SOLAR!!
During inspection and just enjoying a beautiful sunny day in good company I found this broken cell
(never seen this before)
First time for everything.